The sensation of itch can have a significant impact on quality of life, affecting day to day comfort as well as interrupting sleep. Whilst itch may be histamine related (allergies) in palliative care it is often unrelated.
- Metabolite build up - bile salts in hepatic disease, uraemia
- Opioid induced
- Lymphoma
- Paraneoplastic
- Secondary to immunotherapy
- Infestations - scabies, fleas, bedbugs
- Iron deficiency
- Skin diseases - eczema, psoriasis
Non-drug measures
- Breaking the itch-scratch cycle
- Keep nails short or wear cotton gloves
- Mindfulness and relaxation techniques for distraction
- Avoid soap and bubble baths
- Emollients especially with added menthol
Drug treatment
- Targeted treatment of specific cause may be possible e.g. cholestyramine for biliary salt absorption
- Antihistamine medications e.g. loratadine 10 mg once a day
- Sertraline 25mg once a day
- Low dose corticosteroids
- Gabapentin may be helpful in some resistant cases